Citizen Science, Advocacy, Articles

Bea’s Bench Trempealeau Refuge
Red-headed woodpeckers, Covid-19 – Wisconsin State Journal, April 19 2020
This commentary appeared in The Wisconsin State Journal, La Crosse Tribune, Winona Daily News and Red-headed Woodpecker Recovery Project Newsletter during spring 2020
A Walk Through a Flood of Song
Breeding Bird Census, upper Mississippi River, Gloria Mundi Press, April 22 2003
In June in southern Minnesota, the pearly gloss of dawn creeps across the Mississippi about 4 a.m. A mile wide, the river easy slowly…
Cerulean Warbler: Down But Not Out
Birder’s World – June 1998
The song came from the top of a cottonwood tree towering through a small gap in the dim, green light of the forest canopy…